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Like many of my side projects, Alpenglow matched my passion for side projects and interests. I've always loved catching and photographing sunrises and sunsets.
The very first version of Alpenglow released in 2016 and tried to get users around the world to provide ratings for sunrises and sunsets they were observing. With ratings coming in the app could then alert nearby users of a great sunrise or sunset.
Shortly after I became aware of SunsetWX, a team of meteorologists who created a model to forecast Sunrise and Sunset quality which takes into account moisture, pressure and cloud cover among other things.
With the latest v6.0 update to Alpenglow, I introduced multiple tiers of functionality while still providing free users with current and next day Sunrise and Sunset forecasts.
Alpenglow allows users on iOS to share the forecast, anyone opening the link on iOS 14 will be presented with a new App Clip showing the shared forecast and will then be prompted to download Alpenglow to check their own forecast.
One of iOS 14's biggest features was the inclusion of Home Screen Widgets. I introduced a bunch of widgets to Alpenglow, including one only available for Pro users showing the next Sunrise/Sunset Forecast for their desired location.
Alpenglow is also available on Android, with the app built using Flutter. I'm working on improving the Android version to be more in line with the iOS app.